
My Languages


Currently my favorite programming/scripting language.  I started playing around with Python sometime in 2008.

Web Development with the Django Web Framework

I’ve been using Django in a production environment for a while now for a site that handles construction progress pictures.  This is been a truly stable and functional site for about 7 years now and runs backed by SQLite (yes, really) with a system of other applications and scripts to orchestrate the creation, management and posting of job site progress pictures.

The second Django project is a full-fledged construction scheduling and customer management platform. Running on PostgreSQL and powered partially by Pandas/NumPy, this system manages and schedules the multitude of tasks, vendors, and interactions that come together to build custom homes.

Both of the above sites run on a Linux server running the full stack including NGinx, GUnicorn and PostgresSQL along with all the management and maintenance that entails…

Based on that experience I opted to host a simple IT ticket tracking app I cobbled together in a weekend in Django 5.0.4 over at PythonAnywhere using their free service tier. The deployment was truly painless and it’s been performing quite nicely with very little management effort on my part.

Custom Scripting

I have a handful of scripts that I use as a part of my daily work routine to manage files and automate tasks.

Image Manipulation

I added rotation awareness to an existing resize routine in the above mentioned Django site.

Classic ASP

I’ve written many different websites in Classic ASP interacting with MS Access, SQL Server and MySQL over the years. Ranging from custom reporting pages to entire community intranets (social networking WAY before MySpace/Facebook).

Visual Basic (Classic)

So many programs written in this old easy to use language, I still loved the simple drag & drop GUI builder.  Some of these programs are still in active use today.  I, for example, use a program I wrote back in 2001 regularly to manage image posting and messaging.


Many line of business applications ranging from data manipulation between systems, database front-ends, and simple tools to push picture captions to Facebook.